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A Letter To The Lover of Yours




    Said Gemma, a man with the most sincere pale smile in a worn jeans jacket to the lady across the street. Of course the lady does not see him, other than because the sky had turned dark and the streets are full of vehicles passing by, she is now in the embrace of another man. this man wearing a neat shirt. The kind of office employees who work in prestigious office buildings. they look into each other's eyes like a lovebirds who just fell in love.

    His thoughts drifted to 2 years ago. This city remains the same, the streets that always busy with vehicles, the row of shops that never empty of visitors, also the city's atmosphere that always perfectly; neither too hot nor too cold. The difference is he used to grasp his girl, but now it has turned into a shadow of emptiness. Long emptiness and longings are his 24/7 company. But if the fate has been written, what can humans do? Like it or not, he had to surrender.

    He sat in silence on the sidewalk. His gaze was still the same, heading towards Cara, that lady, precious lady, as her name means.  The passersby were indifferent to his presence. They keep walking by without even looking at him. Alongside with it, Cara enters the apartment building with her man. They just moved there 5 days ago. Right on this day is a week they've become husband and wife. This man can make Cara forget about her past trauma or may not completely forget, at least Cara's smile was wider with this man, she is becoming happier day by day.

     Gemma peeks through the slightly open 8th floor window. He has tried to faintly overhear their-before-sleep conversation. Impolite indeed.

"Süsse, verlass mich nie" she muttered half asleep 

"Ich werde nicht" he replied as he yawning slightly

    Cara lays her head on his burly arm. Gemma tries to get close to the two of them. They sleep quite soundly. He can feel their calm breath. he watches the woman who had been his lover closely. There are longing and pain inside yet he is grateful this precious lady can live a better and blissful. Then he opens the sheet of paper he had prepared. An old paper that will never get to its destination. He starts to get closer to two bodies that were fast asleep. Brought his mouth close to the ear of the man who is now as Cara's husband. He half whispers reading his letter.

"Dear neuen Cara-Liebhaber,

I want to say congratulations first, you got her heart, she's a very close-book person, it is not easy to open her heart to the new one, but if she does, then you have something special, you deserve to be proud.  

I knew bruh, it's so easy to fall in love with this amazing and brilliant girl, her adorable chubby cheeks with freckles on it, her teeth were ivory white and arranged neatly when she smiled, her beautiful laugh, her cute accent, you must be fascinated by it all, I'm not surprised, she is lovable and perfectly perfect indeed, but sometimes she denies those facts. Don't get tired to make her believe. That is your job now to make she loves herself everyday, as much as we are.

She keeps many extraordinary dreams in her head. I hope you can make her dreams come true. Open the door to the world that she dreams of, just give her keys, she will take your hand to utopian land. Write more dreams that you two will achieve, I sincerely pray from the bottom of my heart for the lasting of both of you.

She loves hugs and will always give you warm hugs, in fact she is warm person, but she also needs warmth, so make sure you always have the warmth she needs, please don't be like me, i can't give her all those warmth because my whole life is a blizzard.

She is a big fan of Currywust with Gnadenlos Scharf level. please forbid her to eat that again, last time she ate Currywust with me she ended up lying in the hospital with an ulcer. She will definitely stubborn and persistently force you to comply with her wishes. But I beg you to forbid her seriously for this cases, you don't want to see her sick, do you?

She likes to study and discuss, be a good and a wise discussion partner for her, I guarantee you will never get bored when she tells about words formation theory or about how the Vietnamese army defeated the US army or about Guttenberg's contribution to the world. Occasionally accompany her to her favorite place: library, bookstore and museum.

she is a good reminder. She will always remember small details about you. You have to be careful with that, she will be a little bit sad when you forget something about her. When that happens, ask for her forgiveness immediately, or later she will remember you as a person who does not care. You don't want it, ain't you?

She might tell you once or twice about me as the scumbag in her life. Well, I'm not going to dodge, that's how I am. I made those hazel eyes shed a lot of tears for such a long time. I've created many wounds for her. I even deliberately pushed her away. Hence, I really am regretfully accepting my defeat in order to lose her from my arms foreverIf i may be honest, i'm a bit jealous of you bruh, you are so lucky to be the person she chose to stay with her all her life. But i won't interfere the two of your lives that you have begun to create, instead, i will be rooting for you two.

Let me tell you a bit secret, but please don't you dare to tell this to her. On the day I ignored her was actually the time when my life on the corner of the beginning disaster. my parents are perpetrator and troublemakers so as their one and only child, I have to take care of their actions as always. I have to accept punishment for what I didn't do. My life is an intricate, I don't want  such a pure girl like Cara have to involve with all of this, and she doesn't deserve a poor and problematic man like me. I don't want her name to be carried away and targeted to be killed just like they did to me. She must get a good life. That is why I decided to disappear from her life and erase any traces of my existence.

Bruh, as my last favor, may i entrust you my apologies for her? Maybe I would've calmed down a little bit if she knew that I was regret, and honestly... still loved her, Can't i? But I am earnestly let her go, wish you two all the good things in this world.

And please let me kiss her cheek good bye for the last time..

Sincerely yours,

Ghost from her past"


     After that, he switches to Cara's side, bringing his pale and bloodied lips closer to Cara's soft cheek about to kiss her. Cara's eyes suddenly opened before he do it as he is taken aback.

"Süsse, warum ist es heute Nacht so kalt? Ist es jetzt nicht noch Frühling?" she asks, consciously or not

 "Ja, du hast recht, Schatz" replied him, briefly and softly

     Gemma realized that his time was running out. But he has found what he is looking for; his acceptance. Relieved and resigned, he left their apartment, with his blood pouring down his hollow head, the marks from being shot by a desert eagle type gun. He hovers over the sky to where he was supposed to live.

    Hans opens his eyes and sit, his eyeball scans the entire room and stop at his wife. She was still fast asleep. Out of nowhere, like a magic, her regular breath gives peace for him. 

"Danke, dass du mich gewählt hast" he whispers  

      Hans gets up from his bed to his bedroom window, it slightly open.

"I knew you would come, thanks for visiting." said him to the spring breeze.

"You know, she still talks about you almost every day. Even when sleeping, she sometimes says your name. She will always think of you as her guardian angel, and  i think it always will. I am the one who should be jealous of you. Don't worry, i will take care of her more than anything in this world. Rest in peace, bruh."

    Before he closes the window, he feels water droplets descending from the sky. Slowly and a little more and more. They all bloom while still crying. That's the spring rain. But it still brings fragrance to their respective hearts

Author: Vinka Intan Citradewi 


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